
DokuwikiFCK is no longer being supported.
It has been superceded by fckgLite and ckgedit.
All questions, bug fixes, and feature requests should go through the mailing list. To subscribe to the list, do one of the following:

1. Send an email to with 'subscribe' in the Subject field
2. Visit the fckgLite page at
3. Or click the subscribe link below


How do I make a change to the toolbar?

You can change the position of a toolbar item or remove an item by opening the file fckg/fckeditor/fckconfig.js and editing FCKConfig.ToolbarSets[“Dokuwiki”]

FCKConfig.ToolbarSets[“Dokuwiki”] = [
['OrderedList','UnorderedList','insertHtml','insertHtmlunorderedList', 'insertHtmlCode' ],
['Rule', 'Smiley', 'SpecialChar', 'Style'], [],['fonts'],
['Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteWord', 'SpellCheck', 'Find'],
['FontFormat'], ['Undo','Redo','RemoveFormat', '-','Table' ],
['Plugin_Tool', 'Delete_P' ],['FitWindow'],
['Link','Unlink'], ['Image', 'Source','geshi' ],
] ;

If you want Fontformat, for instance, at the top left of the toolbar, move it to the top of the list:


All of the toolbar items are self-explanatory except for:

  • insertHTML: adapted for nested ordered list
  • insertHTMLCode: adapted for footnote editor

You can remove an item by removing it from the list.

PHP in Code Block

 foreach($list as $plugin) {
   if(preg_match('/fckg_dwplugin/',$plugin)) continue;
   $plugin = 'plugin_' . $plugin;

   $indices = array_keys($data, $plugin);
   if(empty($indices)) {
       $plugin = '_' . $plugin;
       $indices = array_keys($data, $plugin);

   if(!empty($indices)) {
       foreach($indices as $index) {
          $labels[] = "$index: " . $patterns[$index];
          $pattern = $patterns[$index];
          $regex .= "|$pattern";


The way to achieve the best result is to type your text into a plain text editor and then copy and paste the text into the code block.


Here is a piece of the above code in a Geshi code block.

   if(!empty($indices)) {
       foreach($indices as $index) {
          $labels[] = "$index: "
           . $patterns[$index];
      $pattern = $patterns[$index];
      $regex .= "|$pattern";

For more details on Geshi code blocks see the features page.


Smileys can be created with either the FCKeditor's smiley toolbar item or with Dokuwiki's smiley markup. Using Dokuwiki markup, for instance, this: :-P will give you this :-P . Dokuwiki smileys cannot be aligned, but FCKeditor smileys can.

This is a smiley selected from the FCKeditor smiley menu:

When using the FCKeditor smileys you can set your alignment as for any other image, left, right, middle, or baseline. The above example is right-aligned. You can also re-size these smileys, as for any other image:

Distributions of fckgLite starting with May 8 2010 enable users to select Dokuwiki smileys from the smileys toolbar menu. They will initially be inserted as Dokuwiki text markup. But they will appear as images in the browser and in subsequent editing sessions. The administrator has the option in the configuration manger of having Dokuwiki smileys always appear as text in the editor (and, of course, images in the browser).

The difference between FCKeditor smileys and Dokuwiki smileys can have an important side-effect if you move your wiki pages to a new server or to a new domain. Dokuwiki smileys will always be available, because they are saved in native Dokuwiki format as ascii texts. But the FCKeditor's smileys are saved as external images with the full URL. Therefore when the pages are moved to a new server or domain, the domain name is no longer the same as before and the image will be lost. To overcome this, there is a configuration option, smiley_hack, which will enable you to convert the old URLs to URLs consistent with the new server–and this is done during the editing process. That is, when the page is loaded into the editor the new URL replaces the old, and when the document is saved the new URL is saved. See the configuration options.

Single Spacing

To single-space in the editor, hold down the shift key and press return. This will create a Dokuwiki newline: \\.

HTML and Dokuwiki Escapes

HTML tags are automatically recognized and escaped by the fckgLite parser. So you can type in something like this:

<b>bold</b> face or <i>italics</i>

See html_conflicts on the features page.

The html conflicts section of the features page also describes how to manually esape HTML tags, as was necessary in earlier versions of fckgLite. If for some reason the parser fails to recognize your HTML , you can manually escape the tags as described there or use monospace (see below ).

Code Blocks

In code blocks html brackets are escaped by means of spacing < b > bold < /b > when displayed in the editor. But when they appear in the html output, the spaces are removed.

As of the July 25 2010 distributions, it is possible to include a text representation of a code block inside a file block and vice versa:

 This is a file block displayed in a code block.
      This is a code block displayed inside a file block.

Code blocks in tables and lists

Code blocks can be included in tables as long as the code block is the first item in the cell.

row 1 cell 1
row 1
cell 2

row 1 cell 2

row 2 cell 1 row 2 cell 2

Code blocks cannot be inserted into lists. The FCKeditor cannot deal with this configuration of elements.

Code block hack for IE

Prior to distributions dated before September 15 2010, IE failed create non-parsed blocks, either standard Code blocks or File blocks. From that date onward, selecting NPB (i.e. Code) or File from the Style menu in IE will produce a valid Code block. To create a File block use the following work-around:

  1. create a Code block, with or without enclosed text elements
  2. put your cursor back into the block and once again go to the Style menu and select File. You will get a normal File block.

If you are using a distribution earlier than Sep 25 2010, you can use this two-step method to create a block of either type. The block will be the type of the last type selected.


You can select monospace from the Style menu to escape HTML : <b>bold</b>

This feature has been implemented as of July 25 2010.

Escaping Dokuwiki Escapes

It is always a good idea to escape double percent signs: %%. The way to do this is to escape each one separately as monospace.

The reason for escaping double per cent signs has to do with the way Dokuwiki handles these characters. All formatting between two pairs of these escapes will be lost; so if you are going to have only one pair on your page, it's not necessary to escape them. But if you have one at the top of your page and another in the middle, everything between them will be gobbled up into a single string.

So this:

  • %% one
  • two
  • three %%

unescaped will become this:

  • one* two* three


fckgLite accepts the nowiki tag, inserted directly into the editor:

<nowiki>This is a **text** that has been marked up</nowiki>

The markup is preserved. This is a link: [[|]] is preserved as markup because it is held between nowiki tags.


When a text is placed between nowiki tags and loaded back into the FCKeditor, the text will appear as though formatted:

Instead of <nowiki>[[|]] </nowiki>

you will see <nowiki></nowiki>

But when the text is displayed in the browser, the text and its native Dokuwiki markup will be displayed.

nowiki, percent escapes, plugin syntax

This is primarily for developers. Versions of fckgLite as of Jan 12 1011 will check for for pairs of the following characters: ~#:^ and for these pairs: {} <>. If they are bracketed by Dokuwiki percent escapes, the percent characters will be converted to nowiki tags on saves. For instance:

%%<note important>%%


<nowiki><note important></nowki>

As of Jun 28 2011 percent escapes can be used on most text elements. But the safest markup is to use the nowiki tags. This would be particularly true of texts which contain asterisks.

Short-Cut Keys

fckgLite has a set of CTRL-based short-cut keys. See the short_cut_keys page.

Font Tool Examples

Font Tool Example

This is a sample of Times 12 pt bold

The font tool cannot be used in conjunction with Dokuwiki's standard typographic formatting features; they will be silently removed.

Font Tool and Color

As of distributions beginning Jan 20 2011, the font tool can set forground and background colors for


Red type on yellow background in 10 pt Times New Roman

Blue type in 14 pt bold

Using fckgLite in the Single User Configuration

If you have a single user installation or your users have complete access to the file system, you can create a completely open file browsing configuration, using the following configuation options:

  • open file browsing: true
  • enable folder creation: y
  • Default file browsing access: none

For more details on configuration options, see configuration.

What is the Version Number?

The fckgLite version is found by clicking on the question mark icon in the toolbar and then clicking on the 'About fckgLite” tab. This will tell you the version you are using and its date. For instance 06-10-Feb_25-09_28, which is version 06 created on Feb 25 2010 at 9:28.

You can also find the version in the version file found in plugins/fckg/

Firefox 3.6 Windows

There is an issue with Firefox 3.6, which may fail when large files are uploaded using the file browser. This issue appears to affect only Firefox 3.6 in Windows and may be an issue only if the development tool Firebug is installed. If you wish to continue to use Firefox, and are having this problem with 3.6, you can upgrade your Firefox or revert to an earlier version by going to:

Asking Questions

When asking questions on the Forum or the Mailing List, you should try to provide the following information:

  1. The browser(s) where the problem has occurred, and does it happen in all browsers or just certain browsers?
  2. The operating system on which the browser is installed
  3. The version of fckgLite (See above )
  4. The Dokuwiki version
  5. The operating system on which Dokuwiki is installed
  6. The web server (apache or something else).
  7. The php version